Why I Support Donald Trump for President

I have seen the question asked so often that I decided maybe it was time to answer. I believe that ultimately people support a President for mostly personal reasons, because of that I will be explaining how the policies I support actually affect me.

  1. He promises to bring jobs back to America. By lowering income tax, it provides incentives for corporations to stay here in America. They won't need to move out to avoid paying taxes. In addition, he will negotiate our trade with foreign countries to ensure that we are getting the best deals allowing more companies to be profitable staying in the U.S. if the companies are here so are the jobs. I have watched as one by one all the manufacturing plants moved to Mexico. So many people in the area where I live have lost their jobs. When large groups of people lose their jobs it has a trickling affect on the economy. Small businesses go under because people can't afford to shop at mom and pop shops anymore. Eventually, people end up moving out of the town in order to find work. Schools close because they can't meet enrollment requirements. No new businesses come in and the town stagnates.

  2. The second reason ties in with the first. Trump will end common core and put the control of the schools back in the hands of locals. I taught at a low income school district for five years. For the first two years the school stood on its own. By the third year we were forced to consolidate with another school because of lack of enrollment. By the end of the 5th year we had been completely shut down because of lack of enrollment. I want to stress that our school was doing great academically. It's only fault was being in a stagnant town. So teachers, bus drivers, janitors, cafeteria workers, secretaries, aides all lost their job and students lost each other. They were divided and split up between neighboring schools. Some students ride the bus for over an hour to get to school. There are no small rural schools any longer. The last teaching job I had was an hour and a half drive from where I live.

  3. Trump will reform the VA healthcare. This is so important! Our veterans deserve the best. The system is currently a failure. I'm sure I don't have to remind anyone of the headlines about veteran dying waiting for healthcare. It wasn't an exaggeration folks it happened. Trump will allow vets to receive care from any doctor. No more waiting for months to get treatment or driving long distances, sometimes out of state, for care. He will make the system online making scheduling easier and providing medical teleconferencing for rural areas that need it. My husband is a veteran and I saw from experience that the way the VA treats veterans has to change. My husband has an injury that happened while he was in service. Trying to get help has been a nightmare. He has been put off and past around and has still not received treatment. Luckily, his problem isn't life threatening, but for so many it is. The men and women who serve our country have given their best and they deserve our best. Trump cares about our veterans and he cares about America. I'm ready to make America great again. How about you?


/r/The_Donald Thread