To change the music industry: help Ne Obliviscaris making a living by supporting 1 dollar a month.

Not the first band to try funding like this and definitely won't be the last. Do I support this kind of funding? In a way I do. I come from the older generation where if you needed to have money for recording then you endlessly pump out live shows and save the funds.

A system where only the biggest of the big bands are able to make a living and the rest of us

Not really true in the metal industry. There's maybe handfuls of bands that can support themselves from their music.

I'm not saying that this is a bad idea at all. There just isn't that much money in metal. But if I were to support one band that means morally i'd have to support the other 100 bands that I like. I usually do that by purchasing merch, albums, and supporting the tour by showing up. That's half the battle.

Then there comes the fine line to where if it's actually worth it for the musicians at the end of the day. If I could be out on the road touring and making music as a full time job then I would. But the reality of it all is that I have a family and a life to support and being a metal musician just won't cut it financially. That goes for a lot of us older guys. Does that part of the industry need a change? Of course, but it's not going to happen. I'm a firm believer in bands that go out of their way for fans. Go up to that one kid who stayed after the show just so he could have a chat with you goes a very long way. If there's anything good about the metal industry it's definitely our community, word about your band being good guys spreads fast.

Doesn't fucking matter....I'm still tossing in some money.

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