Taking the MCAT as a high school student?

A billion?

I'm exaggerating! I just mean scores and basic ECs don't cut it anymore.

lmao I did participate in quite a bit of those things too inicially! But I do have actual research too. I was a contributor on a published paper last year and I was working on my own paper too but I hit a roadblock since I need to use concentrated HF (and no, nothing else will work, I've researched this to death) but I'm too much of a pussy to actually do it. However, it has nothing to do with medicine (unless you're a plant and you're living in hm contaminated soil).

I don't think I'll spend much time talking about the MCAT in the interview, I just plan on sending the score. I already had an interview with one college and they literally didn't discuss my test scores at all.

I can't find the link but there was this one kid on reddit a couple days ago that had a 2400 SAT score, two SAT subject test 800s, 4.0 GPA (UW) with a bunch of APs, and pretty decent extra-curricular and he got flat out rejected from Princeton SCEA -- and they only reject something like 8% of the applicants (the rest are deferred).

One of the projects I'm working on is a textbook for IB students who are also giving the SATs Subject Tests -- basically aiming to streamline the studying process. I'm currently working on it with about 8 people.

The other project I'm working on is also not related to medicine -- at all. I'm working developing this super cheap networking/education solution for poor countries. But this is also in in a very preliminary stage; I haven't even made a physical prototype yet and I'm still working on the software right now.

These all sound nice but everybody has similar achievements and projects, and since I'm falling behind for a whole year, I want to make my application completely solid.

/r/Mcat Thread Parent