Talk about what’s on your mind today. Let out some steam, talk about your week. What’s been going on ? Whether it’s good bad weird just let it out.

Twice in a row we've been forced to move out by a landlord before we were ready. The last one had the human decency to give us extra time. This one isn't so kind.

Last time we kind of knew it was coming. We were renting a house that we knew we'd move out of in a certain time period because the landlord wanted the place for his son who was out of the country. His son came home earlier than expected and we had to move out sooner, but we appealed and got a few extra weeks to find a place and move.

This time is a complete rug pull. Different landlord obviously. But a realtor waved a dollar in his face and he called us up and said "hey, get out in 30 days lol money yummy yum" and we get nothing. We don't get extra time, we don't get a little financial help for the sudden involuntary move, nothing. I'm sure he'll find a way to take as much out of our security deposit as he fucking can too, even though the place is in better condition than it was when we moved in.

The landlord white paint meme is fucking real by the way.

/r/Genuinefreedom Thread