Telling people what to do is not "comms"

Yeah this sucks so much in my last game I had an extremely annoying team I was kj, the first three rounds were fine but in the fourth round while I was throwing my nano swarms an enemy came and killed me and all my teammates were in enemy spawn engaging with the enemy team and lost and the mfs started telling me why I wasn't throwing my nano swarms on the spike ( and the worst part I was bottom fragging at the time, so typical blame the bottom fragger type of behavior) I told them that I did then started screaming at me about why I wasn't camping and etc I ignored that at first but since the same thing happened in the next two rounds I got extremely tilted I just said why r u going to spawn just camp I have planted the spike and cover me while I'm throwing my nades u all do the same thing every round by going to their spawn and the enemies r just camping there waiting for u and u lose every time.

/r/VALORANT Thread