What screams "I'm homophobic"?

As an older guy, I was so encouraged by what was happening right up until 2012 or so, I really felt that it was just a matter of time before all those older folks who grew up in a different era aged out or died off, and the next generation of parents simply wouldn't care one way or another. I do see some of that in my community, where people are very nonchalant about gay kids or friends. My daughters LGBTQ and it was about as momentous to me as if she changed her major when she came out.

But it's so incredibly sad watching so much evil work being put in to make sure that bigoted energy doesn't die. And it's so cynical and calculated. It doesn't even have the decency to be grass roots bigotry - it's just to motivate voters and/or get easy clicks/views/ratings.

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