I want to thank Bernie Sanders..

Famous people get paid a lot of money to give speeches, attend events and what not ALL the time.

But... they're not running for president of The United States, and that's the crux here. She said that she didn't think she was going to run for president while giving those speeches as a response, which prompts people to think, "Okay, so you acknowledge that it's an issue since if you were planning on running for president (which you are now), there's a serious conflict of interest." She and Bill were making these speeches to I-Banks and the like until she announced her candidacy. We know this, it's public knowledge, and it appears to be a serious lack of judgement.

The other hurdle she seems to has is with honesty. Voters see her as dishonest, it has been brought up in debates and there still isn't a good answer for it besides her claiming she has a strong and consistent record. Her record is strong, sure, but consistent it is not, especially on moral principle such as marriage equality and welfare. This is where the Bernie appeal comes in. One of his major criticisms is that he always talks about the same issues over and over again for his entire career. They are still issues that Democrats now agree need to be resolved. Questions people ask themselves when deciding on a candidate are, "Do you agree with them?" and "How long have they been advocating for this?" With Bernie, they know what they're voting for, but with Hillary, they're seeing her as a "box of chocolates".

Just my thought process on this. Full disclosure, I'm a supporter of Bernie, but in the event that he doesn't get the nomination I'd like some assurance on these issues so I would feel comfortable voting for her in a general election. I want to feel motivated to vote in any general election.

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