5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To Power

Yeah. There are some similarities - particularly in the electorate and their attitude towards intellectualism, democracy, and "parasitic races", it isn't the same. To add to your list:

The rise of National Socialism in Germany was as much of a reaction to the very real threat of a communist revolution similar to Russia I'm not going to speculate which would have been worse, but the point is that the German people were very scared of this happening and the Nazi's were the most effective way to combat this. Before the purges and killings of the Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs, the Nazi's purged the communists from the country.

Second, Hitler had a military history that Trump doesn't. That isn't to say that Trump wouldn't take an aggressive military posture, but Hilter knew war. Which leads to the next point that goes beyond Hitler and to much of the high command.

Hitler, like many of the Nazi leadership fought in WWI, a profoundly traumatic event. I don't know of specific studies on this, but when you spend months at a time in a trench, watching you friend who was blown up 3 weeks ago in no mans land slowly rotting and being eaten by rats, you're not going to be OK afterwards, Europe as a whole and Germany in particular experienced the closest thing to hell I can imagine in the modern world. Desensitized doesn't really begin to describe the mental condition they must have had in relation to atrocity.

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