and then Ghost howled, "Words are Wind!" (Spoilers published)

I know this might seem like incoherant babble to some.
I assure you it is not.
This thread was not written for first time readers. Nor second time around.
This thread is for those that have put their hard work,time,and effort into writing great theories or producing great videos.

Some honorable mentions are the following.(I deeply apologize if I left someone out)

If I left any of the great theorists out, I deeply apologize.
I'm in the hospital recovering from head injuries.
I'd also like to throw in the Order of the Green Hand . I love their videos.
My brain is a bit rattled and there's a lot of memory loss involved. It's great , most of the books are brand new to me but at the same time they aren't.
I'd like to thank civilization x also. I like his videos.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Just remember this thread was not written for those that are new to ASOIAF.
I would have liked to have signed in with an account that I have been posting with for years. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of it's info.

/r/asoiaf Thread