Theory: the free 15 silver dust Bungie gave us is because FotL will require excessive amounts of dust

I just gave issue with developers getting greedy and focus on micro transactions instead of making the best game they can

And you know for a fact they do this or is it simply ignorance on your part? The idea that microtransactions are a major cause of half baked games is silly. In most cases at least.

I was paying $50 for games when the PS1 launched. Games cost less to develop and cost more to distribute and digital sales were ZERO. Two decades later, inflation, digital, yada yada, and we're only paying $10 more. Do you think games still cost what they did back then to develop? Are transportation and distribution that much cheaper? Do you think DLC and miscrotransactions are 100% greed? Is it at all possible that they have become standard in order to make up the lack of upfront pricing of game over the last two decades?

I'm not saying it's all this simple but I can also see some reasons why things are how they are. I certainly prefer to pay $60 up front with other consumers supplementing developers with additional income through DLC/MTs rather than paying $100 or more from the get go.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent