Is there anything I can do about dripping sweat everywhere?

Hey, so I sweat a lot at dance, and so do a lot of people at my studio. It’s truly okay, it’s normal to sweat, my teacher always says that if you’re not sweating at all you’re not working hard enough. I was injured but still attending classes and sitting on a chair, when I got up there was sweat on it and I was so embarrassed but honestly NO one cared, I wiped it up and they grabbed the chair and said “who cares, we’re all sweating too”, and sometimes we joke about it to each other because we’re all in the same boat, even though I’m a little more sweatier than the rest because I’m a bit bigger. It’s really okay, it’s a dance studio, everyone sweats, but make sure to bring a sweat towel, maybe wear a sweat band just make sure you keep wiping it up. As long as everyone’s taking care of their hygiene and health, everything is a-okay!

/r/Dance Thread