Is there a team Kilgrave?

Definitely not.

He reminded me of a guy I knew. We met at a club where we discussed films, and ended up becoming friends. He tells me about this girl that he "loves." He's never actually spoken to her and he didn't really understand other people. He would try to mold himself to what the person he was talking to liked, or at least what he perceived to be what they liked. He would do whatever it took to manipulate people into liking him, so that they could benefit him in some way. This dude was selfish and self-centered, just like Kilgrave. So, I give him some advice, prior to knowing his delusional insanity, and he talks with this girl; learns about her hobbies and interests and then realizes that he has nothing in common with her.

Does that stop him?

Nope. He was convinced that she was the one for him and that he's the one for her. So, he lies to her; manipulates her. She see's right through it, and then he threatens to hurt himself or others, trying to shift the blame and guilt onto her. She's a forgiving person, apparently, so they end up as friends where she suffered through lies, verbal and physical abuse, and manipulation before finally quitting with the second chances that she had been giving him. By now, I became a third wheel observing most of their interactions.

He reminded me a lot of Kilgrave, in that he really had no idea what love is. He was selfish; his desire for Jessica was out of self-interest. He didn't care what she wanted. Yet, he was still willing to do anything for this girl. As demonstrated in the show, Kilgrave goes to great lengths to prove what he believes to be love. It's almost admirable and sweet, but rendered so disgustingly twisted because it's not really love and he's a complete psychopath doing things out of self-interest rather than out of good moral character.

When a pious act is motivated by promise of reward, it's no longer pious.

Anyways, this guy I know ends up sending the girl several death and rape threats and even threatens to use photoshop to produce fake nudes of her and then post them online. She ends up taking screenshots of the conversation and then sending them to his parents on Facebook. It was hilarious. Having this strange connection really made me enjoy the show and this character. However, he's definitely not someone you should be rooting for.

/r/JessicaJones Thread