Bad car habits of your significant other.

My girlfriend does something that drives me absolutely insane. I'm actually considering kicking her out of my house if she does it again.

We have 4 cars. One is hers and three are mine. I have a Tahoe that I drive when I'm going into an area I've never been or when it's raining, I have a 7-series that I drive when it's nice and I know where I'm going and I don't have to worry about it getting damaged, and I have another car that was very expensive and is almost too fast for the street. I only run C16 leaded race gas in that car. I got her a brand new white C-class Mercedes after she begged me because her older Honda wasn't cutting it anymore.

Why am I telling you this? Well I'm getting to the thing she does that drives me insane.

She drives my fucking cars. The Tahoe I don't care so much. To be honest I'd rather her take my truck when it's shitty out than the Mercedes because it's safer. As far as my 7 series and what amounts to basically a race car they're OFF LIMITS.

We've been together for about 18 months and I let her start staying with me about 6 months ago. The first time I came home and saw my 7-series was gone was about 2 months ago. I absolutely shit a brick. There was rain in the forecast and that car hasn't seen rain since I bought it. She didn't ask, she just took my fucking car and left.

I called her and demanded she get home instantly and completely flipped out. This was the catalyst to me buying her a new car. I thought that I got the point through to her and I started hiding my keys. A month went by and I figured it would be okay to start leaving them together in the key drawer again. WRONG.

On Monday I came home in my 7-series at about 1pm. I had no idea what I was in for. I had a meeting about an hour away that got cancelled when I was on my way there so I just turned around and went home. I opened the garage, and as I'm pulling in I notice my fucking race car is absent. Sure, it's street legal, but the car makes over 1,000 horsepower even on it's low setting, and last time I parked it, it wasn't on its low setting.

I completely flipped my shit. I was angry that she would take one of my cars again, I was angry that she completely disregarded what I had said, I was scared that I was too late and she would have already crashed and killed herself, I was just overcome with emotion. I called her and made her park where she was, drove there, and left her there with her car without saying anything. When I got home I parked it and went inside to try to cool off, but as soon as she walked through the door I snapped.

She didn't know that the car needs to be warmed up, including the transmission. How do I know this? She told me that it was bouncing a lot when she was trying to drive forward when it was in first gear. Yeah no shit dumbass, it's a race car not your fucking Mercedes. "I don't know why you care so much it's just a car and I was going to put gas in it!" That was about when I explained that I only run race gas in that car from the blue containers in the garage, which she didn't even seem to understand. Then I told her that if she would have floored it in that car under 50 mph she would be dead. It was cold out and if the tires weren't warmed up she would have spun them and panicked. "But I just wanted to take the convertible!" FUCK OFF.

I bought her a really nice car to keep her out of mine. I love my cars, they're sacred to me, and she completely crossed the boundary twice.

Now I keep the keys to that car in my gun safe. I think she got the point, but if I catch her in either of my cars again, it's over. Third strike and you're out.

As you can tell, I'm still really salty over the whole thing. I'm actually planning on sending the car back to the builder just to see if she fucked anything up in the 20 minutes she was driving it.

/r/cars Thread