John Oliver dropping a truth bomb about Abortion Laws!

I was 19.

There is not a lot of information out there (or that I could find at the time, maybe) about what the process is like, especially since it differs on a state by state basis. I knew what would happen (D&C), but I had no idea all the bullshit that I was going to go through. I also didn't know that I would have to take labor inducing drugs, or have physical cervix dilators placed inside me. I obviously had no clue about lactation.

You have to understand, even back when I had this done, there weren't very many clinics in Texas that provided abortions passed the first trimester. The clinic that I was in did, and as small as it was in square footage, there was barely anywhere to sit in the waiting room (despite being a few dozen chairs), the wait times even when you made it to the back were crazy, and you were never alone, or away from other patients. Where I was sitting the recliner, I was in a row of a dozen other women, and every 45 minutes or so, another woman came out of surgery. There is not a lot of time allotted to telling every girl or woman what is happening, and in some cases, the state mandates what you are allowed to say to them. I saw a doctor exactly twice, once to put the rods in, and then when the actual procedure happened.

Nurses, legally, aren't allowed to tell you very much, even outside of an abortion clinic. Being that the only times I saw a doctor were to physically do things to me, there wasn't enough time. And I don't fault them! That clinic tried their damned hardest to make sure they could see as many women as possible. The nurses were absolute angels, and I'm not sure I would have emotionally survived without them.

This is, unfortunately, the reality of abortions in the US, or at least in states like Texas with arcane regulations. ):

It's awful that anyone should be subjected to even part of what happened to you.

I agree with you so, so, so much, but the awful reality is what I went through is a fucking cake walk compared to women in my state today, and in many other states.

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