These are my rules for Blackjack. Most of the time I win. Would anyone modify the rules I made? If so, what would the new rules look like? Thanks everyone for your input!

No. Why is everyone on Reddit act like an ego maniac? Let’s pretend we’re both dead, and can’t play poker as a living human anymore. As dead people, there’s no reason for either of us to try to seem smarter than the other for some type of gain. Let’s pretend okay?

I am not part of your life. Why are you making assumptions and then asking questions about why I think things you have not yet verified? Like 1. I dont “believe” my “rules” are superior to basic strategy rules, and if you think those rules are better, why don’t you just enlighten me by modifying my rules in your way as your reply? That’s what I want anyway.

I’m not asking for proverbial respect, I’m telling you that you’re making me work more in my reply just so that I can get a fucking answer.

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