Plot hole in the first few Crash games that I just realized a while ago and have been thinking about ever since

that was partly my point in the first few words of that comment, it's even stated in the original PS1 manual that it was him only that was doing this, and Brio only came along because he had low self esteem.

it just goes to show you they had no idea where they were going.

still they were great games, but I guess it was at the beginning of good story telling pre Jak and Daxter Naughty Dog, even they took at least one game to get it right, but even they have a sloppy time travel story too.

even Ape Escape suffers from this too.

basically time travel stories are never told logically here no matter what they are about.

Neil DeGras Tyson would hate these stories too, he has the same sentiments I have on them,


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