Those who climbed corporate ladder, is/was it worth it?

I wrote a long detailed post, but then realize I tend to ramble and say things perhaps not interesting to other people...

The short of if it is I saw a recruiter at several job fairs. My schooling / resume wasn't impressive, but my communication skills were (after a few of these job fairs). This landed me the only interview I got. From there, I read the room and realized I had to stand out, so I made sure to ask damn good questions when the time came. I got the job. My new manager knew I didn't know the software, but I convinced I could learn/do anything and I did.

From there, I basically just constantly reassessed my "roadmap" of where my career was going, and adjusted it to where I wanted to be. I worked my ass off early in my career to get to the point now where I can "coast".

I don't like to coast, but I'm comfortable... and figured I'd rather live life than just chase more money. I still need a challenge, however, so I started building a business / website on the side with plans for more.

I think too many people can't see where the road is headed and just assume since they don't have "success" now, it is impossible. But sometimes you have to steer the car for awhile, and plot a new path, or even build the fucking road yourself, but you can do it. Sure, you might fail along the way, learn from that and try again.

It's the kind of work that a lot of people don't want to do, it's easier to just show up, get paid and go home, and then wonder their your salary never increases when all their doing is metaphorically driving on cruise control without pondering if they should turn or take an exit.

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