[RPGdesign Activity] Unique Selling Point

One of the freest Character workshops available. Ever felt even slightly limited by your choices? Shouldnt be a problem here.

Yes, it‘s an RPG, I can make my own character. We get it. Notice how at least 3 other posters here used the same „unique“ characteristic...

A general statement like that is completely useless. Talking about what I get to play in your system is important, but as my accounting professor used to say, BE SPECIFIC. Either you back it up with something specific like „build a unique character from over 500 different traits“ or you actually tell me what the PCs are supposed to be, like the spies in /u/jiaxingseng‘s game.

2: In a world were everything is determined, be the awkwardly yet awesomely niche hero to change fate!

How is that different from D&D?

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