AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education?

I'm late here so this comment will probably get buried but I'll say it anyway.

Im the mother of a very gifted almost kindergartener. He's also reading chapter books, can do multiplication problems and is teaching himself Spanish, which is freaking wild to me. I sure as hell don't have the resources to foster this big brain of his.

My partner and I have been wracking our brains, trying to figure out how to get him into a school that will encourage his educational growth, but our only options are public school (which isn't terrible, but they don't have the resources he needs), a private catholic school (which is just a more expensive version of the public school, but with Jesus), and a school that is 40k a year.

I'm currently driving him and his equally gifted younger brother 35 minutes each way to a special preschool that challenges them, with a 7 month old. She hates the car. I don't care, I'll deal with two hours of screaming (it's more like 15 minutes before she falls asleep) to make sure they're getting what they need.

Your two year old is going to grow up and either stop caring about car rides or be in school themselves. Your gifted child might lose her ambition to learn and grow her big brain if she's not given the proper tools. Do you want her to sacrifice a lifetime of education so you don't have to be inconvenienced for a couple of hours a day. As a SAHP myself, it's my only job to make sure my kids are taken care of.

You have this wonderful opportunity for your child that I would kill for. My gifted child won't have the support he needs from school next year and I'm trying to figure out how to supplement his education in a way he won't burn out.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread