The Thoughts and Feelings of Kat

Maybe easier to read....

Rather than add a comment to every new post, I’d like to collect all my thoughts in one area to show where I stand on everything that’s been going on this week. In no way is this post meant to be disrespectful, I’d just like to weigh in on the matters at hand.

I’d like to first point out our war log. In 45 wars in the past 4 months or so, we’ve had had 2 losses and 2 ties. I don’t know about you guys but I think that’s pretty awesome stats. One of those losses was against a ghosting a clan and even then we only lost by 10. That clan was cheating (in my eyes) and we still came close. Our 2nd loss was against a good Chinese clan in which we lost by 12. I remember during that war a lot of minute mistakes were made which resulted in a 1 or 2 star attack that cost us the war. To be honest, I wasn’t even upset we lost. With any competitive game, where its COC, CoD, soccer, football, someone has to lose. No one is perfect. Nothing has a success rate of 100%. Nothing is guaranteed in life. Period.

I also feel that with our last war loss, we’re overreacting a wee bit. These changes that are being considered in the subbreddit, are the reactions after one war. One war has shifted Omega into a completely different direction. I know the only constant is change, but to me it sounds like you guys don’t really have faith in our players being able to 3 star hard bases so you want the “guaranteed 2 star” (which isn’t 100% guaranteed without proper funneling or surprise tesla to distract golem). If we were consistently losing wars, then yes I can see changing things. But as they say in the south, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

With any loss or failure, you learn, you grow, you move on. With this new strat against harder clans in which your first attack is a GoWiPe and your 2nd is an actual 3 star strat, I feel that robs us of a learning experience that we need in order to become better attackers. Who needs to perfect a wall hog or a surgical hog if all DGB spots and spring traps have been revealed? I don’t want to sacrifice our ability to 3 star for a 2 star safety net. Attacking an unattacked base helps you learn base design and prepare for future attacks. If you never do that, you won’t know how to prepare for unexpected tesla placement, spring traps, or know how to think on your feet or recover from half of your hogs dying from a surprise DGB. If we always use a safe strat for 2 stars for our first attack on a harder base we’re never going to get better. 3 starring a base that’s already been scouted helps with placement, not execution. Also, people that would be using the strat GoWiPe for these harder bases would have to use their attacks within the first 12 hours of war to allow adequate time for the next player to plan and prepare. A lot of our attackers won’t attack within the first 12 hours of war and I feel that some won’t attack at first just to save their attacks for 3 star attempts since I know a lot of Omegians aren’t thrilled with GoWiPe. To quote a line from Orange is the New Black, “no one gets better at tennis by playing someone worse than them”.

Lastly on my novel, the role of mentor. Having the General (not insurance) reviewing attacks to help elders in their recording of war results seems like a good idea to me. However, I’m not sure how the mentor would work out. I think if people need help with their attacks and need to improve, they’ll ask on how to get better. If you don’t see them wanting to get better then I think its appropriate to boot them. Take Meerkat for example (sorry to single you out). I know the transition from th8 to th9 is rough war attack wise (since I’m in that struggle atm) and every war attack Meerkat had, he posted his plan in gm, got advice, did his attack, and if it didn’t work out he was immediately back in gm asking what he could’ve done better. Random people gave him advice and it’s made him a better attacker. Would you just seek the advice of the mentor or would the mentor come to you as a “you need to do this better” or just tell you what you did wrong in your attack? Like if my wall breakers died and that screwed my attack, I don’t need someone to tell me “hey your attack failed because your wallbreakers died”. I can see that. I was there when it happened. If that would be the official role of mentor, to me it sounds very annoying and unneeded.

In conclusion, I know the elders want the best for Omega and want us to succeed. I know you guys care about individual members but in all honesty, I feel like you guys are pushing people away. I've noticed that chat has been pretty dead lately in game since last weekend. If I send out a troop request it gets filled but no one speaks. I also feel like a lot of people are afraid to voice their opinions in fear of being kicked. I appreciate the poll and the openness you have to feedback but I think a lot of people aren’t up for all these changes when we have such a great clan. I’ll end this on one last quote (because I like quotes), “if you chase two rabbits, you’ll lost them both”. drops mic

/r/Clanredditomega Thread