TIL that in 1919 when Teddy 'Dank' Roosevelt died from a weed overdose, vice president Bill deGrasse Einstein said ''Ayy lmao''

Sweet. bro. You smoke tons of weed and totally have every answer as to why it should be legal. Forget the legal process, I think we should all allow you alone to make the decision on its legality and medicinal use. The fact that you smoke it and read every single Hightimes article you can find on why it is the most important, most natural, most beneficial thing that human beings have ever laid eyes on makes you very credible. Merely reading 207 webpages full of weed punchline facts gives you impeccable judgment on the issue, You have all the answers as to why Big Pharma wants to deject the idea of pot available to the people - it's a conspiracy theory, that's why (Please place tinfoil on head now)! The fact that you believe that everybody you know NEEDS ganja for anxiety or pain-relief; that you actually believe you can cure every disease and illness with the prescription of Mary Jay strengthens my perception that you and all of your weed friends working at the local head shop are fucking even more stupid than I thought stupid stoners were. Your entire argument is flawed and based purely on the idea that you want to smoke weed freely and without consequence. I disagree with your argument because it is wrong, not because I am blind in my third-eye or reject " trippy universal enlightenment", man. You and your tie-dye hemp hoodie can fuck off.

You know exactly who you are, I know exactly how fucking stupid you sound and look (WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR) - the rest of the logical population can see it, too. You are just too busy salivating over a new glass piece shaped like Bart Simpsons head that you plan to make payments on to come to the realization that you cannot guilt good people into believing that your "dying" family members need weed, or that your stressed-out dog needs a space brownie. In fact, that is the last thing you or they will need after getting proper medical treatment. (By proper medical treatment, I mean you need a psyche evaluation for your zealous defense of the space lord Dank) What you do need is a serious reality check and an argument based within factual evidence, otherwise stop posting ridiculous bullshit.

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