Do you tip/Should you tip

Blame your retarded laws and lawmakers wtf

riiight... because when you don't tip, you're punishing the lawmakers and justice system... not your waiter who can't even go on strike to protest the fucked up laws that are in place, because he's easily replaceable.

Wtf stop how is this my fault

It's your fault because you know that drivers don't actually get recompensated for their gas and that it's expected of you to tip? If you don't want to tip, how about you drive over to pick up your food yourself then?

why tf do I have to pay extra so the waiter is more likely to refill my water

It's clear that you've never worked a service/retail job in your life. Servers have to go through plenty of shit - rude customers, sexual harassment, people who don't tip, etc etc etc. They still put up with all this shit and try to provide the best service they can, because good service is typically rewarded while bad service is usually punished -- through the form of tips.

Personally, I don't support the tipping either and I think it should be abolished. However, in the meantime, if you're not tipping your server, you are a selfish asshole. Plain and simple. Obviously you're not obligated to do it, but that goes for so many different things:

If I see a kid getting beaten up by bullies, I'm not obligated to help him. Should I just walk away and blame the school system for not cracking down harder on bullying? Should I blame the kid for being a weak beta bitch and for choosing the wrong school to go to?

If I see a group of guys sexually harassing a girl in a shadier side of town, I'm not obligated to help her. Should I just walk away and blame the police for not having more patrols in the area? Should I blame the girl for being on the wrong side of town? Should I blame the guys' parents for not raising them better?

/r/uwaterloo Thread Parent