Tips on how to improve on my running/jogging? (Xpost from /r/fitness)

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Hi there! We are very similar - I'm 165cm and 103kg currently, but earlier this year I started losing weight when I was 137kgs. I started running in May after losing some of the weight, and I used the C25k program. In August I ran/walked my first 5k in 53 minutes. On Thanksgiving I ran/walked my 7th 5k in 39:25.

I think the three biggest contributers to my improvement in 5k times have been:

  1. Weight loss. And running isn't going to do that for you. I count calories religiously and keep to 1500/day maximum. I am low carb/keto, but that's not really necessary. You just need to eat fewer calories than your body uses and boom, weight loss.

  2. Consistent training. It sounds like you're already doing this, so just continue with running and strength training on a consistent schedule. But remember to take rest days as well.These are super important for improving.

  3. Run more. When I did my first 5k I had only run that distance 1 time before. It was absolute hell. Now I run at least 5k distance almost every training run, and I've start incorporating 4 mile runs into my schedule. 5k distance used to be really scary to me, but now it's just another run. And as I get used to longer distances, it will be just another short run. I think this mental game plays a big part in my improvements, not to mention the increase in fitness from putting in more miles overall.

Best of luck to you!

  • You wrote contributers which should have been contributors

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