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Description book Correction by Thomas Bernhard:

Correction is a novel by Thomas Bernhard, originally published in German in 1975, and first published in English translation in 1979 by Alfred A. Knopf. It is a remarkable work, formally innovative...


FULL BOOK Correction by Thomas Bernhard

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qv35myje0y9ub8m7toy In his will, which aroused great controversy on publication, Bernhard prohibited any new stagings of his plays and publication of his unpublished work in Austria; however, this was annulled by his heir in 1999. His death was announced only after his funeral. Often criticized in Austria as a Nestbeschmutzer (one who dirties his own nest) for his critical views, Bernhard was highly acclaimed abroad. Nevertheless, while criticised for political reasons by some, he was, during his lifetime, also highly acclaimed in Austria, winning a number of major awards, and was seen by many as the pre-eminent writer of the time. Ultimately, he shoots her in the head with a shotgun, leaving her body slumped forward, with her head all ripped to pieces from the shot or shots from that carbine (8). The major novels that follow The Lime Works will essentially work variations on the archetypal persecution narrative whose form Bernhard had already delineated in the story of Konrad and his wife. In Correction, for example, the lime works is transformed into Holler s garret, described by the narrator as the thought dungeon in which Roithamer will pursue his project of constructing the ideal human habitation for his beloved sister, who replaces Konrad s wife. Roithamer is deeply attached to his sister; this does not, however, prevent his provoking her death, which occurs on the very day that she moves into the house that he has built for her. Gilberte Lambrichs, p.87, Folio n°2276) Les gens falsifient tout, ils falsifient jusqu à l enfance qu ils ont eue. L homme pensant est par nature un homme malheureux [.]. Mais même cet homme malheureux peut être heureux [.] sans cesse à nouveau, au sens le plus vrai de ce terme et de cette notion, pour passer le temps. Gilberte Lambrichs, p.89, Folio n°2276) [.] Très peu de médecins reconnaissent qu ils ne savent presque rien et qu ils ne peuvent également presque rien faire. Les maladies sont le plus court chemin de l homme pour arriver à soi. [.] avouons-le, les têtes qui nous sont la plupart du temps accessibles sont inintéressantes, nous n en tirons guère plus que si nous nous trouvions en compagnie de pommes de terre hypertrophiées, qui, plantées sur des corps souffreteux affublés de vêtements d un goût discutable, traîneraient une existence piteuse, mais hélas pas du tout pitoyable. Des machines à calculer, les hommes ne sont rien d autre. Gilberte Lambrichs, p.73, Folio n°2276) The repetition compulsion that generates his narrative leads, for example, to the following account of a man who has sought employment in his castle:. The essential details of Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard s formative years are unforgettably recorded in his autobiographical work Gathering Evidence, which is written in the same iconoclastic, relentlessly repetitive style of lyrical imprecation that he devised for his novels. Boris Simon et Josée Turk-Meyer, p.207, Gallimard/nrf 1967) La vie n est rien que l exécution d une peine, me dis-je en moi-même, il faut que tu supportes l exécution de cette peine. Albert Kohn, p.138, Folio n°2832) Gilberte Lambrichs, p.35, Folio n°2276) The image acquisition time is correlated with the speed of the gantry rotation which is actually limited to reduce any collision risk. Aujourd hui encore, dit mon père, la plupart des médecins refusent de rechercher les causes et s identifient entièrement aux schémas de traitement les plus primaires. sans trouver le mot décisif


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