Why can’t you criticise Israel without it being antisemitic?

You got a lot of random examples of civil wars and unrest but not a single example of Illegal Occupation which is analogous to Israel.

The illegal settlements are condemned by the UN (most nations except the US because it funds Israel, and AIPAC lobbies the US congress --according to WSJ). The world majority condemns Israel for illegal settlements.

HRW and Amnesty International have documented lengthy reports of equating Israeli Occupation to Apartheid. Also disingenuous to list Russian example without highlighting that Russian Occupation is considered wrong and Russian players were banned from tournament. Didn't see similar with Israel.

In the US, any divestment from Israeli business could land you in jail because the US Congress (lobbied by AIPAC) passed a law that no one can boycott Israeli products. Imagine that. US Congress shielding Occupation. Then again, it's the same Congress that gave a standing ovation to a leader of foreign nation Netanyahu, but booed Obama. The event was so embarrassing that even a hard headed supporter of Israel, Thomas Friedman of NYT wrote that Netanyahu's applause was paid for by AIPAC. All of the above is well documented and can be googled.

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