Trans Diabetic

You didn’t read what I said. My friends hospitalization had absolutely nothing to do diabetes. That is why I mentioned this. They got hospitalized from side effects of medication and testosterone treatment. Also, retina detachment is not what I’m talking about. Diabetic retinopathy is what I’m talking talking about. Everyone that’s type 1 diabetic is supposed have a rental exam once a year because of this. Often times your damage shows up 10-15 years after a period of uncontrolled glucose levels or diagnosis. Depending you state when diagnosed. If you caught it early on then you should have minimized damage. Also, I have PCOS and experience such an extreme amount of insulin resistance I need metformin now. I can’t take hormones because of diabetic retinopathy due to me being type 1 diabetic since I was a toddler. You can never take hormones ever again once you’ve been diagnosed with moderate to severe diabetic retinopathy due to blood clots and loss of vision. This is not false information and I have personally gotten second opinions from 3 different states and 4 cities and one of the number specialty OB/endocrinologist researchers in the world. I’m just blessed I was able to be in her study and carry children in her care. When it comes to diabetic retinopathy and hormones, you can’t even use natural topical hormones like progesterone or estrogen. Like nature stores stuff. So don’t mix up those two. It could be deadly for someone in the future. So if you want to have a safe transition your blood needs to be in control and you need to check with all of your doctors, because often times type 1 diabetes can be accompanied with thyroid disease and heart disease. We are also at higher risk. One thing my friend has learned even though they identify as a man now, they won’t give up the fact they are medically female. They know they are at higher risk for certain diseases due to genetics. That took them a while to be comfortable with too. So I’m proud of friend for transitioning and going through their struggles.

/r/Type1Diabetes Thread Parent