Relatively new player. How can I learn how to get good without just grinding?

The fact is good players don’t actually need to grind, for example if your WR is 60% and you’re smart with your boosters and certificates you’d go up a level in 1/3rd of the time of 40% WR player.

But to get good you need either of these 3 things or all in some combination.

  1. Right line that fits your attributes, most beginner friendly lines include E100, IS4, T110E3, JgPz.

  2. Premium Tanks that allow you to do some mistakes and learn, you can check blitzstars website to check some good tanks worth the spend.

  3. Online resources, study notes, map examination and other soft materials that enhance your gameplay and promote risk taking behavior in order to learn something new.

/r/WorldOfTanksBlitz Thread