True story: It took me two years to open up to my therapist

I was genuinely trying to be kind. I wanted to have a proper discussion with you.

You do not have to stalk my whole account and then personally degrade me. What is the point of that?

You don’t have time to engage in a civil discussion, but you do have the time to write out this reply after reading my whole chart and multiple posts I’ve made throughout the year? Contradictory behaviour.

Your lack of empathy and tact is awful.

Using my age as a reason I wouldn’t understand you not being “convinced” is insane, considering I didn’t want you to be convinced of anything, I simply wanted to understand you better. And I understand perfectly fine that my age is not the reason I wouldn’t understand you, it’s that your a stubborn person who doesn’t like to be proven wrong. Even if the other person isn’t trying to prove you wrong.

In the end you misunderstood me.

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