can someone explain to me what exactly does the lilith in our zodiacs signify?

Lilith is considered to be expressing the uninhibited wild and showing the dark side of women in female astrology charts. In male astrology charts, Lilith shows all of the biggest fears about women. Lilith doesn’t want to settle down and she doesn’t want to conform to what society claims as being the way to do this and that. Lilith doesn’t want to do what everybody else is doing because somebody else talked them in or out of doing it. She represents the primal urge to be a free-spirit and live life the way that she chooses to with or without a significant other. I’ve never been married because I do not have any desire to be married. I am a lesbian and I know that there are other lesbians that are single, engaged and or married. I am not a religious traditionalist, I don’t want to get a husband or wife because everybody else is getting married and telling me that I should be married like them because that’s what the bible tells you to do. I don’t want to be like them and the best part is that I’m not. I don’t fit into that lifestyle of straight people that exclusively hide behind masks. Oh my god, not another straight couple that are fake christians and secretly swingers, all like look at me in my designer clothes, this is my house, vehicles, dogs, cats, kids, we’re going to eat McDonald’s after church service! I also don’t want to be the mistress on a waiting list signed up as next Friday. I will not be the fun new toy that is only used specifically for entertainment purposes then after it’s all said and done, discarded and thrown out like garbage.

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