Trump explains his business lost so much because he was avoiding tax

I get the side of wanting to see his taxes in that it might shed light on to whether certain foreign actors bailed trump out or if he stopped his habits that were previously released. The thing is wanting to see see Trumps taxes is the Democrats version of when the Republicans called Barrack Obama “Barry Soros,” with their adamant claim he was bought by George Soros. If the public really wants to Presidential hopefuls taxes, for openness of the Presidential office, they should urge their representatives to fight to make it a law that requires candidates to reveal their taxes. Honestly, let’s be real they are receiving money from powerful hidden entities.Look at the previous election with Hillary getting bought by Saudi Arabia. . Why would foreign entities donate nearly $10million to a foundation? So, Trump May have or may not be backed by Russia. Unless we change campaign finance laws nothing’s really going to change.

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