Are there any crime/violence epidemics in history that are similar to the current gun violence problem?

In South Africa, a large amount of serial killers became active after the apartheid ended in the 1990s. There have been about 160 recorded serial killers in South Africa since the 1950s, and most were active around this time.

Many of South Africa's most profilic serial killers such as Moses Sithole, Cedric Maake, Stewart Wilken, & Christopher Zikode were all active during the '90s, some even in the same city. For example, the police had a hard time differentiating Moses Sithole's killings from David Selepe's, & some even speculated they were working together (they were not).

South Africa still has multiple active serial killers every year, but the number has been steadily decreasing.

/r/masskillers Thread