/u/WhiteChocolate12 on the current state of /r/all - "All of this shit posting only further proves the admin's points, because you are responding to a ban based on harassment by choosing to harass people"

Is this fact or opinion? Either way I would not at all be surprised. Being the 10th biggest site on the internet means many VC firms will be looking to pick them up. Can't do that when you have a lawsuit waiting to happen like FPH. Aside from the Imgur incident (which no doubt sped things up), it was only a matter of time before one of the people who was being messaged daily telling them to kill themselves actually did so, and Reddit would have had a pretty sizeable storm on their hands.

On your point about Yushan - I don't imagine we know the real reason. I can't see him leaving that position over office placement. The former employee rant was probably him blowing off steam knowing he was in his closing days.

Something kind of similar happened with someone I used to work with who was fourth (of seven) level management at a company where I used to work - we were bought by a large VC firm and she was told she was being laid off about two months before her last day, but only announced it a few days before stepping down.

I was unknowingly with her the day she was told and I remember thinking "what the fuck is up with her today". On her last day we had a chat and she said "remember the day when... That was the day they told me. You were the only one in the room who didn't know".

But just like Yishan, in the days before the announcement she did get a bit strict with someone, and afterwards people assumed that's why she left, but it was a done deal for months at that point.

Similarly in 2005 one of the heads of Irelands largest bank quit when he was caught looking at porn on his computer. You would have to be pretty simple to assume that was the actual reason he left.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com