Uchigatana tips

Finally reached 100hrs of katana usage and let me tell you it's been tough. Always 2 handing Chaos blade +5, 40 dexterity, grass crest shield. This game (pve) is vicious toward high speed dexterity users but it's great for pvp. Unfortunately there are no "combos" like there are with the black knight glaive or murakumo but it's fun for setting people up. Your bread and butter is the sprint R1 poke, get your distance right and enemies will have trouble. If an enemy is 2 handing their weapon, its a perfect time to poke them down. Be careful for those that "poise buff" as you will might get punished by someone. Be ready to take some damage to learn your opponents methods or even land some favorable exchanges. Katanas are fast and you have to do your best to punish fools. Hold (L2) is a good way to draw out a parry and then you follow through with the attack (R1) to punish. Those with caestus will parry spam until they land something. Draw out the parry and punish. Also R2 attacks cannot be parried but are easily punished. If you notice someone parry spamming, just sprint R2. They'll either try to parry and take huge damage or roll away. My favorite, the hold (L2) + R2 , parry ability. It's very hard to land in pvp and must be done in anticipation of an attack NOT as a reaction to an attack. For example, if you are fighting someone that likes to attack after 1 or 2 rolls and you notice this pattern, punish it. Bait the enemy into a roll. As the enemy is rolling begin the hold stance parry. By the time the enemy is attacking you should have the parry window available. With high endurance you should be able to out swing almost any opponent. If anyone rolls too close to you, punish it with 3-4 swings. You are very likely to land at least 2 of those swings. By then your opponent will either die or roll away. Control the ring (arena), manage your stamina, learn your hitbox, and most of all take a risk. The High Wall is a great place to find fight clubs and Pontiff Sulyvahn is a great place for singular fights. Good Luck.

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