This is so unbelievably sad. Gabe used to be so handsome! Drue help your husband make better choices. Actually cool good healthy meals for him instead of pork chops in a crockpot smothered in cream cheese!!!

I totally get that gabe is an adult and responsible for himself! I think he mostly makes his own lunch from what we see. The reason I blame drue for part of it os because she mostly makes breakfast and dinner ( or makes him go out to eat) and I know he could make better choices. But as someone who had a food addiction and still can struggle being somewhere with mostly unhealthy options and large portions can be hard on someone who struggles with food control. As a wife myself it’s my job to cook my husband meals that are semi healthy. I know that he’s responsible for his health but if she’s making dinner I don’t think he would waste food and make something else.

/r/Drueandgabe Thread Link -