Does anyone find it weird that the debate around game difficulty has become a moral one?

I had a really easy time with Sekiro and barely struggled with it at any point. I didn't feel oppressed during any boss fight in that game. Did I miss the point of Sekiro? Was I denied the intended experience of the game because it wasn't hard enough for me?

Sekiro does include difficulty options by means of a couple hard-mode items you can pick up in the game, and with those on the game felt like it was the right level of difficultly for me. Nobody makes the case that you "didn't experience the game properly" by making it harder than intended.

What constitutes a grueling challenge for me and what constitutes a grueling challenge for, like, my Mom is different. There's no reason that she shouldn't be able to choose an easier difficultly and experience relatively the same amount of challenge as I did.

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