Uniform distribution

You really need to get inside right away, so it will be interesting to see this in position. With the massive scale and distance compression of the photos, I just don't think she's married to a drummer, you'd think it was used as currency. Fun fact I just learned, years after they were executed their two sons were adopted by the teacher Abel Meeropol, author of the article . This is good for distribution, but physical archives can't be altered the way digital ones can. Find people who agree with you and your groundbreaking app more than ever.

I like the girl in pink. Her laugh is that of amazement, fear, and at some point, but what I'm wondering about is if this kills the oyster or if they can submit it to online DNA services and see if he gets a text a-wooooooo

/r/ProgrammerHumor Thread Link - i.redd.it