Unique portraits for Stukov's forces. (Custom made models available at sc2mapster)

First and foremost, your portraits looks great! Re: the lazy thing, it's just posh these days to claim developers are lazy. No other space in tech has to deal with a wide userbase of armchair businessmen defining how much is worth the cost of the co-op pack.

Lacking features is not lazy, they're doing as much as the specs call for based on what their time and human resources allow. It was very nice and cool of you to make these for free, though I personally wouldn't be spending overtime at work to make portraits when I could go home and enjoy NOT being at work, especially given the doom-and-gloom climate at the company these days. You're asking individuals to step up FOR FREE for a company that is actively treating them poorly.

/r/starcraft Thread Parent Link - images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com