[UPDATE] Rania El-Alloul declines $50K crowdfunded donation

i went through his post history and nothing shows that, but what he doesn't like is Islam and that person is well within their rights.

Well, you obviously have problems reading. Not my problem this post if his is PURE holocaust denial. And if you couldn't see any misogynist screeds there its because you are he, and both you are misogynists.

FWIW you jumped into a conversation that two *other * people were having (allegedly) and jumped right in fighting. Calling crazy, and picking up the fight with the same anger you seem to be saying I have... yes I will stand up for myself and others and tell crazy people they're crazy--- but you just popped in here (coincidentally wen /u/gentlesthug got banned). I know I'm crazy, but manageable you on the other hand are dangerous crazy. And if you don't end up in jail for acting out your hate of women and moooslems, I will be surprised. I'm not wishing you to be in jail or death, I don't give a fuck about you either way, but a loud-mouthed bellicose Idiot. Yes I will tell them they're fucking idiots.

How is gentle banned when this psycho is wishing death and harm on people and fabricating allegations?

Because he spews racist hate. And I said he ought to watch his crazy or he'' end up in a rubber room (i.e. a mental hospital) or get shot on the street waving a hammer (a reference easily understandable if you have lived in Montreal for at least a year) I did not "wish death" in fact told him to take his (your) meds before that transpires. Idiot. Learn to read.

And you're picking up his battles?? If you aren't a sockpuppet of /u/gentlesthug I've never seen one before. And I've seen many of the, chump.

You can try to start your own personal fatwa against me, but it's you (in all your sockpuppet machinations) who is the one at fault. But between your allegations that I wish death.. . and that I'm an ISIS supporter, it is you who is fabricating allegations. Not that you can, but you'll have to try harder.

/r/montreal Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca