URGENT East Texas

Rehabber’s method: Have all supplies ready ahead of rescue attempts so the noodle doesn’t stress out and struggle unnecessarily.

Detailed instructions sorry,

I pour a generous amount of olive oil on the base and on the patient to counteract the glue. Olive oil seems to be less toxic towards snakes, lizards, shrews, fledgling songbirds, etc. Olive oil doesn’t have perfume, mineral oil, and other chemicals.This is what most of us rehabbers use. I have both long wooden cotton swaps (medical Q tips) or basic Q tips (also no sharp edges) soaked in olive oil. Choice of release tool depends upon how comfortable I am with the patient. Be sure to dip the Q tip in olive oil to release victims- oil in Q tips = less damage/ less scales getting stuck. I let them drop into a large bucket filled with lots of paper towels. I also spray/rinse the patient with distilled water. The paper towels help absorb the oil and I wet them with the water. It cleans them better. I want the glue off. Put in dry towels and release where found or in safer area. Tell fools not to use glue traps, they are mass murder tools. D Earth, indoor mouse traps, humane live traps, and natural predators are better solutions. No poisons because they also kill the predators who eat the rodent.

/r/whatsthissnake Thread Link - i.redd.it