I used to force myself to have sex with my husband, now he blows my fucking mind

I don't know how to fell about this, because even if she's happy now, she needed or needs weed and meds to get in this state(yes I've read the comments in which she says that she's aware of the help of birth control, weed, ecc... Has in this part, but even if she says this it's possible that all this frustration accumulated in these years could have made her lie to herself. Obviously I'm not sure and I could be wrong, very probable), but still, if she wanted this badly to want sex, then it's possible that she simply convinced herself. Sorry for the vibe killer it's just that what you've described is a sudden and radical change that is really hard to believe healthy

P.S. Sorry for any grammatical error that I could have made. And I just wanted to say that you seem like a incredible person who is really willing to suffer for his partner to make him happy and I'm happy you found someone that is willing to do the same for you. Peace ☮️

/r/sexstories Thread