AITA for telling my daughter to stop reading tarot cards for money?

NAH. I do tarot readings for fun for friends. I've thought about charging in the past, but I worry so much about profiting from people who put too much stock in the results that I've only ever considered it for things that are harmless (readings for imaginary friends, pet dream readings, past life readings, etc).

There's value in the service from an entertainment stand point. I've done personal readings for myself to help myself see things from another perspective, even if I don't believe there's metaphysical powers behind it. It can be a contemplative, self-reflective exercise and, when done with other people, can be a way to talk about things on our mind. It can also be a way to grift and to take advantage of people who need help the most.

If it were me, I would talk to her about the ethics behind preying on vulnerable people who take it too seriously and warn her that she can find herself in a position where flippant remarks are taken absolutely seriously by the people she's reading for. But this is a mostly harmless way of allowing your daughter to feel out what sort of person she wants to be in this world, what she believes in, and how she treats other people. I agree with others that it would be a good call to put a boundary down when it comes to doing it at school, though.

You might also want to have a discussion about what she should do if someone shares information during a reading that has to do with abuse, eating disorders, bullying, and other problems. From my experience, there's a good amount of overlap between people stuck in awful situations and people who look for answers in fortune telling.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread