Using rust for REST-API microservices

None of what you said goes against my assertion that you're going to waste a shitload of resources running an app instance for each core. You're right that I don't manage our deployments, but I still use that stuff every day. App per core is dumb and only makes sense if your language supports nothing else.

Decorators are experimental and not the same as reflection. You see them in TypeScript but there's little JS compatibility and they don't officially exist. They're hidden behind a Typescript compiler option for that reason. And that's why I didn't bring them up before.

There are non-hype Spring alternatives like DropWizard and Vert.X . You keep comparing JS againt Spring even though we both know it's a bad comparison. And JS is just as Express centric as Java is to Spring. Spring just does a lot more crap which makes it dumb to compare things like app size and memory usage between the two.

Java container memory awareness was fixed years ago. And Node never fixed it. Node is still container ram limit unaware, which makes it worse than Java for containers by your metric.

I didn't mention shared array buffer because its not comparable to a real shared memory model with synchronization primitives like Rust has. And it's also disabled in browsers because of Specter. It's basically a memory mapped file, calling that shared memory is quite generous.

Lamdba is startup time!? It's a proprietary platform that has nothing to do with V8 or JVM. What does AWS Lambda have to do with whether V8 or JVM starts faster?

I'm done interacting with you. Your head is so far in the sand, Mr. JS hypeman. Half your responses don't make any sense. Like pointing to a stack overflow survey that many people don't like java to prove it's bad. Or arguing that JVM starts slower (when it clearly doesn't) based on random benchmarks of Lambda. Or saying that SharedArrayBuffer is decent shared memory model, when it's not and also disabled in many places due to Specter. Or saying that Java is bad for containers vs JS because they fixed an issue years ago that Node still has to this day. Or repeating that Java is a "memory hog" when the benchmarks you linked show otherwise and I already pointed out that it's a matter of GC settings.

Years behind in my knowledge? More like years ahead. I bet you didn't know that Specter got SharedArrayBiffer disabled years ago. You probably also didn't know that Java become container aware years ago, and that Node still isn't. You probably didn't know that Decorators are experimental. You continually point toward buzzwords like "control flow analysis" to hype JS when you can get the same thing in other languages with linters.

You sound like a new dev obsessed with JS and riding the hype train, truth be damned. Maybe one day you'll learn enough about Java to realize you're wrong about 80% of what you've said, but I doubt it. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

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