League-Winning Running Backs: What They Look Like and How To Find Them

Love the rigor, and list of historical breakouts. Stopped reading after you included Lev Bell in the average, and used standard deviation to determine marks. You claim round 9 is the average, but once you rule out outliers, the truth is more around round 4. Median would be far more useful for this dataset, and that's around 3 (eyeball).

Standard deviation doesnt make sense in a draft setting for a number of reasons - primarily that the sample isnt large enough to achieve a reasonably normal distribution (assuming normal theorem applies), and drafts don't aggregate to a bell curve (normal theorem doesnt apply). RBs are selected strategically based on positional advantage. Using a bell curve would only be applicable if drafts were all-flex. So even at massive aggregates, you'll see bumps in the first 2 rounds, dips in 3-4, and another bump around 5-7, followed by valley afterward.

/r/fantasyfootball Thread Link - football.pitcherlist.com