V Collection woes

What is "near future" to you? V Collection was just released in the "near past," so don't get your hopes up for them being added to V Collection anytime soon.

Personally, I doubt Pigments is ever going to be added to V Collection, it's a well-respected, versatile, modern synth and isn't at all like the other synths in the V Collection. Same can be said of the augmented synths, I've bought them all and they don't really fit in the V Collection line.

Arturia is a great company that produces all kinds of great hardware and software. So if you like what you see, you know...maybe stop being cheap and support the company that's doing the work? "Woes" indeed, filed right under "first-world problems."

Arturia is a pretty small outfit and is generous with discounts once you've bought some of their stuff, unlike most any other company. I literally paid $49 for Pigments with the discounts.

/r/arturia Thread