AITA for saying neice can't come on vacation if she continues to have "tics"?

YTA, have you even researched tourettes to find out HOW tics work? You don't get to just decide that they're faking. Symptoms can start occuring typically anywhere from 2-15 years old. Tics can come in attacks or waves. Some things make it worse, some make it better. Do you expect people with tourettes to tic even when they're sleeping, or do you assume they're faking because they can go 8 hours without it?

Maybe they are faking, maybe they aren't. Either way, you're an AH either way. 1. For assuming 2. For being cruel in either situation and 3. For assuming that they have control over their mental health even if they are faking, they're clearly in crisis 4. Because you called tourettes embarrassing. Real people do have to live with tics. They actually cuss and say rude things, they don't mean to, and it can really affect their self esteem.

they ARE having some form of mental health crisis, all you did was be extra cruel. YTA

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread