Vanilla player archetypes. Which are you?

I fit The Speed Leveler, The Completionist, The Collector and The Elite Casual.

I plan on speed leveling to 60, or leveling a quick as I can after factoring RL commitments.

Long term I plan on completing many of the tedious rep grinds, collecting things like mounts, sets, toys, etc.

I say Elite Casual because once I'm 60 and at least mostly PreBIS I will take a bit of a back seat and play rather casually.
By that I mean that I will mostly only be logging in for raids and a few gold farming or rep grinding sessions here and then when I can spare the time.

I may not be playing 100+hrs a week any more but I still strive to preform in raids to the best of my classes' ability and I have something like 6-8 years of Vanilla WoW experience and 18 years of MMO experience to back me up.

/r/classicwow Thread