Little did we know...

I changed guild in prepatch.

With my previous guild we did 10/10 prenerf on like week 2 or 3, it had a strong core, but the other half was needs is not that strong.

My new guild was around rank30 Gehennas in p5. Damn, we clear things so fast now.

We run swp + full BT on two characters (guild requires to have two raid characters) under 2.5-3h including moving between raids on first raiding day, tk+ssc+gruul on the second day with similar execution time.

A lot of raiding with the guild is so nice, given players know what to do and come to the raids prepared af.

I also ran ZA/Hyjal in GDKPs, so I have basically full lockouts each reset, except kara/mag.

It's so satisfying after having only swp + skip bt 1 time a week in p5.

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