Very sad news, fan falls to his death at Dead & Co. show tonight… RIP

I know it’s not a popular opinion, but death is not a big deal to me and shouldn’t be. 9.6+ billion people and we are sending “sorry” when someone dies? Why sorry? Life is a gift, don’t be stupid, survival. It goes down to basic primal instincts. I didn’t care when my grandparents died, why would I care about anyone else going? Gotta go sometime as Floyd said. No reason to be afraid of it. If anything more people need to go so Gaia can thrive again. The planet isn’t meant to hold this many people, especially with the way we abuse her. We are going to have serious issues as a society more than we do now in the upcoming years. And what we do in them can be our last. I give it 15-20 before clean water and clean air are worth more than gold. Good luck to all the people who can’t stomach it. It’s the hard pills to swallow that many don’t understand. Especially this community. Peace and love was never going to happen.

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