A virgin man thinking of marrying a non-virgin woman, need advice?

True but do you think he should leave her based on this fact? How do we know that they aren't meant for one another. He is fine with it but he is worried about what other people will think. Doubt is from satan we know this. It's best if he marries her as soon as possible as the relationship is haram. Sometimes what Allah wants for us is not always perfect. If I listened to all my doubts and worried what others thought I would of never married my husband. I know for a fact Allah sent me and him to one another, yes it happened in a haram way but what it did so was make us better Muslims as he wasn't practicing at all and had he not met me he may have slept with more women or consumed filth in the form of porn and prolonged mairrage till age 35 and got an arranged mairrage to a virgin from Pakistan meanwhile he had corrupted himself. Instead Allah brought us together at age 18 and we dated, we weren't ready for mairrage , i wasn't even Muslim and never thought I would convert but Allah knew what I could handle his plan was for me to see the truth and slowly bit by bit things happened in such a coincidental manner that it could have only been Gods plan. Sometimes you can't fight what's happening to you. Converting was he hardest thing for me to go against my family and friends but I knew it was meant for me. We have had many sturggles but through the struggle we got to the root of our hearts and our sins and pain, to bring us to where we are today. Had we left one another we would of had a basic mairrage to someone that didn't ignite anything is us, no healing no change no passion and no God. Who are we to mess with Gods plan and be his and her judge and director? When you marry someone you love and who Allah made for you your life can grow to amazing depths. When you take a risk Allah rewards you because with risk you put all your trust in him. When you listen to Allah and not just try to please your parents your life is better. Yes please your parents and respect them, but if my husband had not married me he wouldn't of moved out of his parents home ever. He would have had his wife move in there and been under his parents control and likely addicted to porn, he would have viewed his wife as a slave to him and his family. His mom didn't want him to marry me. He knew it his heart he couldn't leave me, how can Allah speak to us , not directly by through the heart. I changed my husband in ways no person ever could because he LOVES me. Love is a powerful thing. Love can transform. My husband moved countries and started his own business and had become very successful and be attributes it to me. When you trust Allah and take a risk our life is abundant. You don't think the prophet fell In love with Khadijah? You don't think his mother would say to marry a young Virgin? He loved her and she was his biggest support and made him to the man he was.

/r/islam Thread