"Vous ne comprenez pas ce qui se passe dans le pays !" Fabien Gay, Sénateur

Oh dear RJ6french, your dilemma's a clash,
with French politician Fabien Gay's bash,
you're lost and confused with the nation's action,
But fear not, there's a simple explanation!

The cows have revolted, they've taken over,
with milky demands and a hoof on the mower,
The nation's in chaos, the streets are a zoo,
and the politicians don't know what to do!

But wait there's more, there's a chicken coup too,
with feathered rebels that crow and coo,
they've taken flight and dubbed it a coop d'etat,
they're ruling with beaks, while humans fall flat.

So there you have it, dear RJ6french,
the truth of the matter with political wrench,
It's not about power or democracy fair,
it's the animals' time, so beware!

/r/AntiTaff Thread Link - youtu.be